The Italian performance car producer Ferrari created the Ferrari F355 between nineteen ninety four and nineteen ninety nine, a production lifespan of five years. The F355 was introduced as a successor of the V8 powered, 2 seater, Ferrari F348. The F355 was succeeded by the Ferrari 360 after its production run ended in nineteen ninety nine. The F360 made improvements to the body of the car, including a lighter yet stiffer chassis and a more smooth and rounded styling, compared to the more straight edges of the Ferrari F355. The F360 was later replaced by the F430, a car similar in aesthetics.
The Ferrari F355 is a 2 seat coupe which is powered by a mid V8 engine, an engine which was notable more powerful than that fitted to the Ferrari 348, with five valves per cylinder and an increase in capacity. The three point five litre engine produced three hundred and eighty break horse power, with a top speed of one hundred and eighty three miles per hour (two hundred and ninety five kilometres per hour).
Three body styles were made available over the lifespan of the Ferrari F355; the convertible spider, the Berlinetta coupe, and the targa GTS. The first initial body styles were the coupe and targa, with the spider introduced a year after the production of the car. The Berlinetta body style is the hard top version, which was very popular. The targa body style describes the semi convertible body, whereas the spider is the full convertible model. Over eleven thousand cars were produced in the F355's life time, proving popular as a Ferrari model.
Although previous Ferrari models has their name derived from the capacity of the engine added to the number of cylinders, the F355 ended this trend with the car named after adding the engine capacity to the number of valves per cylinder, a name which indicates Ferrari's delight in this innovative achievement.
Classic Cars For Sale has Ferrari cars for sale, and more Ferrari information
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Andy_Webbed
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