The Italian sports car manufacture, Ferrari, produced the Ferrari Mondial for thirteen years, from nineteen eighty to nineteen ninety three. Ferrari is an Italian based manufacturer based in Maranello, and was founded by Enzo Ferrari in nineteen twenty eight. The extremely successful company, which has had remarkable success in Formula One, began to produce the Ferrari Mondial in nineteen eighty. The Ferrari Mondial was created in to body types; the coupe and the cabriolet, and sold in decent numbers - over six thousand units over the course of its production life span.
The Mondial succeeded the Ferrari GT4, a mid engine V8 which was produced between nineteen seventy three and nineteen eighty, when it was then replaced by the Mondial. Over its seven year life span the GT4 had sold close to three thousand units. The Mondial was styled differently than its predecessor, the GT4, with the styling left to Pininfarina, whereas the GT4 was Bertone styled.
This particular Ferrari model was a lot more practical than other Ferrari models, with extensive space compared to other cars which share the marque. A higher roof, longer doors, four seats with adequate leg room, and high visibility, proved popular whilst still maintaining the performance levels which are associated with Ferraris.
The layout of the Mondial was altered from previous Ferrari models, with the main components; the engine unit, gearbox and suspension, being all removable due to be connected to a sub frame, a feature which made it much easier for a rebuild. Indeed, this was not the only notable feature of the transmission, as the gear had a changed pattern of gears than the standard H shift pattern, with fifth now positioned behind forth, making the change from fourth to fifth much easier and efficient.
The Mondial 8 was first produced, followed by the Mondial GV. Later variations include the 3.2 and the Mondial t. The cars were produced in Modena, Italy.
Classic Cars For Sale has Ferrari cars for sale, and more Ferrari information
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Andy_Webbed
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